Displaying Pandas DataFrames as org-mode tables
in Programming on Python, Pandas, Emacs, Orgmode
The tabulate package includes formatting of pandas dataframes as org-mode tables, except it appears not to do it correctly (-+-
separator markup between header row(s) and table body instead of -|-
). While that could be relatively easily corrected, tabulate also doesn't do anything in particular for pandas' MultiIndexes either. Here's some code that can display dataframes with simple or MultiIndexes in a relatively pleasing way:from IPython.display import publish_display_data
from pandas import MultiIndex
def table(df):
"""Format a small :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` as an `org-mode table<https://orgmode.org/manual/Tables.html>`_.
:param df: input DataFrame
:type df: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`
:returns: org-mode table as IPython display string with 'text/org' MIME type
def index(idx):
if isinstance(idx, MultiIndex):
x = list(idx)
return [x[0]] +[[' ' if x[i][j] == z else z for j, z in enumerate(y)]
for i, y in enumerate(x[1:])]
return [[i] for i in idx]
idx = index(df.index)
cols = index(df.columns)
M = df.as_matrix()
s = '|\n|'.join('|'.join(' ' for _ in range(len(idx[0]))) + '|' + \
'|'.join(c[i] for c in cols) for i in range(len(cols[0]))) + \
'|\n|' + '|'.join('-' for _ in range(len(idx[0]) + len(M[0]))) + '|\n|' + \
'|\n|'.join('|'.join(str(i) for j in z for i in j) for z in zip(idx, M))
return publish_display_data({'text/org': '|' + s + '|'})
You can download this as a file from my github repo. The call to IPython's publish_display_data
attaches the MIME type 'text/org' to the returned string so that ob-ipython displays it as is. The result is a regular org-mode table and not a table.el one, so the index/header cells of MultiIndexes aren't merged according to the hierarchy but spread out over as many cells as necessary (to remain maximally compatible with org mode):#+begin_src ipython :results raw :session
import pandas as pd
from pandas2org import table
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((['one'], ['two', 'three']))
table(pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]], index=idx, columns=idx))
| | | one | |
| | | two | three |
| one | two | 1 | 2 |
| | three | 3 | 4 |